This page contains information that is common to ALL three chorus festivals.
To find information on the specific festivals, select from the Festival tab above
and then choose the festival from the drop down menu.
2025 Choral Festival Info – concert at The Forum
●Elementary Rehearsal - Thursday, April 3, 2025
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM @ Susquehanna Twp. Middle School.
(801 Wood St, Harrisburg, PA 17109)
●Middle School Rehearsal - Friday, April 4, 2025
8:30 AM to 1:45 PM @ Susquehanna Twp. Middle School
(801 Wood St, Harrisburg, PA 17109)
●Senior High Rehearsals - Friday, April 4, 2025
8:30 AM to 2:00 PM @ Susquehanna Twp. High School
(3500 Elmerton Ave., Harrisburg, PA)
Festival Day
●Saturday April 5, 2025 @ The Forum, Harrisburg
Rehearsal begins at 8:30 AM
Concert at 2:30 PM
Guest Conductor Contract
This contract can be found at the "For Directors Only" page and is pass-coded.
Accompanist auditions:
Students who are interested in auditioning to be an accompanist for MS or HS County Chorus should learn the accompaniment to all festival pieces. Students should also learn to play the voice parts for each song. Teachers should guide students in deciding the manner in which the parts are learned. For a cappella pieces the student should be able to play all parts at once if possible. For accompanied pieces the parts may be divided; students may learn the men’s and women’s parts separately for accompanied pieces.
Accompanist auditions are scheduled by Amy Burghdorf. All accompanists who are auditioning should contact Amy by November 15th of the festival year.
Students who are interested in auditioning to be an accompanist for MS or HS County Chorus should learn the accompaniment to all festival pieces. Students should also learn to play the voice parts for each song. Teachers should guide students in deciding the manner in which the parts are learned. For a cappella pieces the student should be able to play all parts at once if possible. For accompanied pieces the parts may be divided; students may learn the men’s and women’s parts separately for accompanied pieces.
Accompanist auditions are scheduled by Amy Burghdorf. All accompanists who are auditioning should contact Amy by November 15th of the festival year.
To Register singers...
Go to the page for Elementary, MS, or HS County Chorus and follow the directions printed there.
Go to the page for Elementary, MS, or HS County Chorus and follow the directions printed there.