2024-25 Band Festival Information
Hershey Middle School; 500 Homestead Rd; Hershey, PA 17033 Featured Guest Conductors: Intermediate Band – Dr. Jason Worzbyt; Indiana University of PA Middle School Band – Dr. Nathan Rinnert; Mansfield University High School Band – Dr. Michquelena Potlunas Ferguson; Penn State University 2025 Festival Dates: Tuesday, January 28: 6:00-8:00PM Intermediate & MS Band Rehearsal, Hershey MS (HMS) Thursday, February 6: 6:00-8:00PM Intermediate Band Rehearsal, Hershey MS (no snow date) Friday, February 7: 9:00AM-4:00PM MS and HS Band Rehearsal, Hershey MS Saturday, February 8: 9:00AM All Bands Festival Rehearsal, Hershey MS 2:00PM CONCERT BEGINS, Hershey MS SNOW MAKE-UP DATES Tuesday, February 4: 6:00-8:00PM Snow Make-Up Intermediate and MS Band Friday February 14: 9:00AM-4:00PM Snow Make-Up MS/HS Band Saturday, February 15: 9:00AM Snow Make-Up All Band 2:00PM Snow Make-Up Concert |
Host Director:
Mr. Brandon Buterbaugh; Mr. Seth Keller; Mrs. Kaitlin Obielecki
Virtual Audition Timeline
Intermediate Auditions -
- Thursday, October 23 – Registration window opens
- Friday, November 1 – Registration window closes and Video audition submission opens
- Saturday, November 16 – Video audition submission closes at 11:59pm
- Monday, November 18 – Adjudication Meeting, 6pm at Upper Dauphin Middle
Middle School and High School Auditions -
- Friday, December 6th - Middle and High School Band Audition registration window opens
- Wednesday, December 18th - MS/HS registration window closes at 11:59pm
- Monday, January 6th - MS/HS video audition submission opens and audition requirements emailed and posted
- Tuesday, January 14th - MS/HS video audition submission closes at 11:59pm
- Wednesday, January 15th - MS/HS Adjudication Meeting, Upper Dauphin Area High School, 6pm
- HS and MS Audition Requirements and Submission Forms (COMING SOON!!)
Middle and High School County Band Audition Material
Directors, Please Note: The yearly rotation of Audition Excerpts is available on the "For Band Directors Only" page.
Directors, Please Note: The yearly rotation of Audition Excerpts is available on the "For Band Directors Only" page.
Middle School Band Scales
click on the instrument name to view/download the file. You can also right-click (PC) or ctrl+click (Mac) to save the file to your computer.
click on the instrument name to view/download the file. You can also right-click (PC) or ctrl+click (Mac) to save the file to your computer.